Tracing or Locating a Person

Are you an adoptee wanting to trace your biological parents, a parent who wishes to find a son or daughter given up for adoption, wanting to locate an estranged family member across country borders, or trying to track down a person to recover money?

The Trojan Investigation and Security team are highly successful at tracing people coupling our expertise with our professional resources including in-house and subscription databases, practical enquiries, surveillance, and open-source scanning.

With access to resources that may not be accessible to the general public, we can help to trace debtors, estranged family members, birth parents or adopted children.

We have successfully traced hundreds of people over the years, tracking down errant partners, debt absconders, and reuniting adopted children with their birth parents.

‘If you don’t seek you will not find.” Don’t delay in using our experts to give you the peace of mind you have been wanting.

For peace of mind, call +64 27 2312071 for a free and confidential consultation or fill out our Contact Form.

Get in touch directly

Every client and every situation is unique.
We’d love to have a no obligation discussion with you to understand your needs and
discuss how we can provide you with peace of mind.