Opensource Intelligence Scanning
Are you an employer wanting a pre-employment check of prospective employee to determine if their CV matches their experience? Or an organisation wanting to make decisions regarding your security provisions based on factual risk profiling?
Trojan Investigation and Security use opensource scanning and research to collate information, intelligence, and evidence from publicly available sources. Opensource scanning has become an increasingly popular source for private investigation in New Zealand and around the world.
Our specialist team of private investigators are trained to discover, obtain, analyse, and utilise opensource information to assist with you with your investigation or planning security tasks.
Obtaining this type of information is completely legal however not easily accessible to the public. Our sources can be used to build a profile of an individual or business or a risk profile of an event.
Opensource research can be used for a multitude of purposes. If you are intending on going into business with a specific person or organisation, our experienced investigators can conduct opensource research investigations to gather a range of intelligence on the person or topic, allowing you to make the right decision and giving you peace of mind.
Our background checks are extensive leaving no stone unturned and can include the following information:
- Security Planning
- Risk Profiling
- Credit Check
- Financial History
- Personal History
- Address Verification
- Identity Verification
- Criminal Convictions
- Company Information
For peace of mind call Trojan IS for a free and confidential consultation.
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Every client and every situation is unique.
We’d love to have a no obligation discussion with you to understand your needs and
discuss how we can provide you with peace of mind.