Establishing Assets |
Identifying Matrimonial Property

If you have the need for establishing assets or identifying matrimonial property or private investigators can provide you with the peace of mind you need.

Investigating matrimonial property as part of a divorce/separation or identifying business assets for ending a business partnership can be a harrowing experience – especially if there is no early resolution or cooperation from the other party.

We know from experience that there can be disagreements about who is responsible for the breakdown of your relationship, marriage, or business partnership. In relationship matters, there can also be questions around responsibility for spousal maintenance and who gets custody of your children adding significant stress to the process.

Your ex-partner might become dishonest during the proceedings and attempt to keep more than their fair share or entitlement. In many cases, we have uncovered hidden assets for our private clients providing clear evidence that can be presented in court as part of a relationship property settlement agreement.

Our private investigation services can help you gather evidence to present to your lawyer, utilise at mediation or during court proceedings to assist you to achieve the outcome you deserve.

For peace of mind call Trojan IS for a free and confidential consultation.

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Every client and every situation is unique.
We’d love to have a no obligation discussion with you to understand your needs and
discuss how we can provide you with peace of mind.